
the 1st illustrated legal forum

5 September, 2019

come to the Legal Design Challenge

what comes to your mind if I say legal design thinking?

come to the Legal Design Challenge

The expression legal design thinking attracted me because I thought that it was about communicating legal concepts with drawings or images and that it would help me to create infographics and materials based on illustrations that would enhance and facilitate their understanding.

But no, it wasn't just that and I didn't know it until I signed up for a mini introductory workshop on legal design thinking given by the Instituto de Innovación Legal at ICAM (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid).

That's why in this post I want to introduce you to the Legal Design Challenge event that will take place on 15 and 16 October in Madrid, but before that,

do you want to know what was my take-away from the legal design thinking workshop?

1º personal experience: the opportunity to see first-hand what the methodology of design thinking is and how useful it could be if we, as lawyers, also applied it in our daily lives. What I mean is that you won't know exactly what it is if you don't live it yourself. Training is not acquired by osmosis.

2º the certainty of its usefulness: design thinking is based on tools that I had already seen work normally and habitually, with success, in other areas of the company, such as sales, marketing, public communication, consumer research or, in activities such as the management of projects of transformation, product launches, personnel development and talent management, among others. In other words, without being anything new, what is the novelty is how this methodology combines these tools to achieve successful results and how they can also be put at the service of legal discipline.

3º an option to be more competitive: applying the design thinking method helps you to break with your prejudices and your cadences and let you start from scratch. It contains the necessary ingredients for you to put your creativity into practice, explore, combine logical analysis with imagination, test the talent and power of the diversity of those around you, take action and innovate solutions for the benefit of your customers. It is based on people (human-centered). Design thinking leads to innovation and innovation leads you to be more competitive.

what were you thinking of doing to grow, learn, build, design your future and innovate to be more competitive?

Many law firms want to transform themselves, but they don't know how to start or what they want to change for, but they have the feeling that if they don't do something they will be left behind. And it is very difficult to know who, when and how to do it.

Many law firms or in-house lawyers want to acquire new skills, open their minds and organize themselves in another way to add greater value to their organization, satisfy their clients, differentiate themselves and strengthen their professional career.

Design thinking in general and that applied to the legal sector are already a discipline of study and development in various universities and business study centres internationally and also in Spain. There is already a varied and real offer within your reach because there is already a varied and real demand.

for all these reasons, I invite you to go to the Legal Design Challenge

Under the auspices of the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid, the Instituto de Innovación Legal, with whom I collaborate for the diffusion of this event, is celebrating the second edition of the Legal Design Challenge on 15 and 16 October in Madrid.

The event consists of a Congress, an introductory Workshop to legal design thinking and a Competition with a specific challenge common to all participating teams: "how to improve terms and conditions in e-commerce to improve the customer experience".

It is a great opportunity to come with your team and carry out a useful activity outside the work environment, formative, which can be fun and serve to network in a first class academic and professional environment.

Find out more and register here or send me an email to

If you come, it will be a pleasure to see you there.